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Sailors & Parents

This page will help direct you to information on HYSA Membership, forms, regatta, clinic registration, and other VERY important information you always wanted to know.

Join our HYSA Sailing Ohana
Let's volunteer to make great things happen for our kids!

Check-in with your child's Sailing Director or your club's HYSA Delegate to learn how you can help during the regattas, clinics, or other events. 

We always need help during HYSA regatta Check-in.  We have parent volunteers bagging snacks, selling merchandise, confirming registrants, or helping our dedicated sailing directors however they need.

Other areas of need:

Safety Boats

Race Committee

Parent of the Day

Sailing Ohana Volunteers

Aloha HYSA Sailors & Parents!

Mahalo for supporting HYSA.  We look forward to meeting you and your family during the upcoming 2025 sailing season. We welcome any volunteers during our events.  Please reach out to your child's sailing coach or any HYSA board member at event check-in for any areas of need.  
2025 Sailing Season Highlights
HYSA #1-6 Sailing Series
High-Performance ILCA Clinic, Dec 7-8, 2024
O'pen Skiff & El Toro Clinic, January
Advanced ILCA Clinic, June
October filled State Championships in the O'pen Skiff, ILCA, El Toro


HYSA Membership

HYSA membership and the sailing season begins every year on December 1st and continues to November 30th of the following year. Membership includes a free HYSA Tech Shirt. HYSA junior sailors include sailors under 23 years of age on the day of the regatta. Membership is open to all youth sailors regardless of yacht club affiliation.  Annual dues = $30


The membership can be purchased as you register online at 2025 HYSA Membership.


If you are new to Clubspot, we encourage you to follow the Help guide here to get set up. 


Following your HYSA Membership registration and payment, you will be emailed a link to complete the required membership waivers in an e-signature form.

HYSA Forms

All HYSA youth sailors and parents are required to complete the following wiavers/forms, which will be emailed to you after you have registered.  An email will be sent to "view and complete the online signature request".


  1. HYSA General Release, Indemnification, and Covenant Not to Sue Agreement

  2. Authority to Consent to Medical Treatment in Emergency Situations

  3. Concussion Awareness Educational Material

  4. HYSA Social Media Policy & Consent

  5. HYSA Code of Ethics & Sportsmanship



Refer to the Calendar page for any updates or changes in our sailing season.  Foremost, check in with your sailing director for any updates prior to HYSA events.


HYSA membership is managed by The Clubspot, a web-based administration platform.  Parents can acquire their child's membership for the current year by using this link 2025 HYSA Membership.

Upcoming Events

Find detailed information on the next 5 upcoming HYSA calendar events in the  - Upcoming Events - click on the "Details" button. Each regatta should include information and registration links at least two weeks prior to the event

NOR, SI, Results, Flyers

You can find  the regatta Notice of Race, Sailing Instructions, up-to-date Calendar versions, regatta Results, other clinic or event flyers, and HYSA logistical forms on the HYSA File Share page.


HYSA also creates notices and updates to upcoming regattas and events on their Facebook and Instagram sites.


HYSA Registration
HYSA Membership & Forms
Frequently Asked Questions

Feel free to contact us to ask a question not listed.

  1. I would like to volunteer, but it may be at the last moment of notice.  Whom do I contact to learn how I could be helpful?

    • Get in contact with your child's Yacht Club Sailing Director or your club's HYSA Delegate.  If your club is hosting a HYSA regatta or other event, they will most definitely need all the volunteers to help make the regatta a club success.

    • Email us at, and we'll direct you to the right person in our sailing ohana.​

    • Or you can introduce yourself at a regatta Check-in where our awesome team will be glad for your help.

  2. Does my child need to be a  US Sailing Association member?​​

    • Yes, for specific regattas on the HYSA Calendar, such as the US Sailing Area H Chubb Championships, and US Sailing Junior Olympic Festivals held in Oahu, Hawaii.  Always ask your child's sailing director for clarification, and check the NOR - Notice of Race - for each regatta.

      • Most yacht clubs participate in the US Sailing MVP Program.  If not, you can register your child under the Hawaii Yacht Racing Association MVP Program to receive a discount on a youth membership.  The discount is $5, thus an annual youth membership would be $25.

    • No, if your child will not be participating in either of the events above.

  3. What does "NOR" mean? It means "Notice of Race", a document that provides the details and expectations of the regatta.  It includes information on entry fees and registration, membership requirements, schedule, sailing instructions, point of contact, and much more.  The NORs for HYSA regattas can be found in the "Details" of the next five Upcoming Events, or in the folders of the HYSA Shared Files page.

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